Gill research group
insect ecology & evolution
Masters students - 2023-24
Rona Learmonth
Ecology, Evolution & Conservation MRes (Imperial)
Investigating how climatic variables shape community-level trait composition in bumblebees by mapping individuals in multidimensional trait space (ArcticBuzz project).
Yao Yao
Ecosystems & Environmental Change MRes (Imperial)
Investigating how pesticide exposure can affect respiration and thermal performance in bumblebees through experimental manipulations (Multistressor project)
Jacqui James
Ecology, Evolution & Conservation MSc (Imperial)
Investigating the different responses of bee and plant species to climatic variation and determining the contribution to the loss of ecosystem function (ArcticBuzz project)
George Allen
Biodiversity & Biosystematics MRes (Imperial/NHM)
Determining how evolutionary relationships alter susceptibility to interannual changes in climate and how it can predict modularity in plant-pollinator networks (ArcticBuzz project)
Moganavalli Kattan
Ecology, Evolution & Conservation MRes (Imperial)
Investigating how the species thermal index can predict species assemblages of Arctic bumblebees and host plants at different biological scales (ArcticBuzz project)
Manon van Unen
Erasmus student hosted by CIRC from Leiden University
Determining how changes to bumblebee species assemblages in response to climate alter niche overlap and competition (ArcticBuzz project)
Silas van Brakel
Erasmus student hosted by CIRC from Aeres (NL)
Surveying bee and plant distributions to understand levels of plasticity to environmental variables (ArcticBuzz project)
Lena Jung
Erasmus student hosted by CIRC from Freie Universitat Berlin (Zedat)
Surveying bee and plant distributions to understand levels of plasticity to environmental variables (ArcticBuzz project)
Elliot Parnell
Computational Methods in Ecology & Evolution MSc (Imperial)
Identifying spectral reflectance signatures of pollination in Strawberry plants (Sensing pollination project)
Shengge Tong
Computational Methods in Ecology & Evolution MSc (Imperial)
Identifying hyperspectral reflectance signatures of pollination in Oilseed Rape plants (Sensing pollination project)