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Dr Ash Samuelson - Was a BBSRC PhD student, and now works at Kew Gardens

Ash was supervised by Elli Leadbeater at Royal Holloway University of London, but was co-supervised by Rich Gill.


Ash was interested in studying how land use type affected the foraging behaviours and colony performances of bumblebees and honeybees.


Palmer J, Samuelson A, Gill RJ, Leadbeater E, Jansen VAA (under review)Honeybees vary communication and collective decision making across landscapes. BioRxiv


Samuelson A, Gill RJ & Leadbeater E (2020) Urbanisation is associated with reduced Nosema sp. infection, higher colony strength and higher richness of foraged pollen in honeybees. Apidologie, 51, 746-762


Samuelson E, Gill RJ, Brown MJF & Leadbeater E (2018) Lower bumblebee colony reproductive success in agricultural compared with urban environments. Proc. Roy. Soc. B, 285, 20180807


Samuelson E, Chen-Wishart ZP, Gill RJ & Leadbeater E (2016) Effect of acute pesticide exposure on bumblebee spatial memory performance in the radial arm maze. Scientific Reports, 6, 38957

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